I-Giant’s versatile T5 technology design is perfect for new installations or can simply replace existing standard footprint T8 batten luminaires. Manufactured in accordance with BS EN 60598, utilising high quality control gear and components, together with quality branded T5 lamps. The ECO-SPLIT is an energy efficient intelligent T5 light fitting in a high Impact Vapour Proof case. The high frequency movement sensor soft switches 80% of the light on or off in each fitting while 20% of the light output remains constant. This unique & simple soft switching concept (Patent Pending) means that the fluorescent tubes are switched on and off fully, operated under normal switching conditions. They will not then have their life span shortened as with electronic dimmable devices that can reduce luminous efficiency and safety. HOUSING: REFLECTIVE: LENSES: MOUNTING/HARDWARE: MAINTENANCE: DIMENSIONS: |
SPLIT Fluorescent configuration – Simple
and Unique: SPLIT Fluorescent configuration – None of the risks of
Dimming: SPLIT Fluorescent configuration – Safer, more Reliable
and Best Value: In light of major manufacturer claims that declare dimming does not effect the operational life time of T5 tubes, some things need to be considered and worded carefully.
Consider the scenario where a service corridor, which is also an escape route, is required to have emergency lighting levels at all times (minimum 1 lux) and a higher lux level (minimum 20 lux) when it is used by delivery and maintenance staff for 30 hours every week. Both ECO-DIM and ECO-SPLIT units could be used to provide necessary light levels at all times. The larger and most expensive lamp in an ECO-DIM unit would be in use 24 hours every day, every year and may need changing every 2 years. For most of the 2 years it would be operating inefficiently at 15 lumens per watt. The smaller lamp in an ECO-SPLIT unit would be in use 24 hours every
day, every year and may need changing every 2 years. For most of the
2 years it would be operating efficiently at 90 lumens per watt. Because the human eye automatically increases effective exposure time,
we may easily think lux levels have only dimmed to about 30% when in
reality lux levels have dimmed to less than 3%. This could potentially
be dangerous as a human “thinks” they can see ok, but in
reality they can not, and that’s when accidents happen. This is
also why lux meters are used by inspectors to be sure light levels don’t
just look safe, they need to be measured to ensure they are safe. |
High Frequency Motion Sensor - Hidden and Practical: High Frequency Motion Sensor - Sensitive and
Good for a British Climate Change: |